Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gangstarz 08 - Audition

I followed this year reality show. It kinda cool because it aimed to search for best vocal group. I like vocal group more to band actually. First show about the audition when the host and the crew went to 5 countries to do audition. Can see how every group tried to do their best. Some group can sing well or maybe only few people can sing well. Judges tried to break n mix match group according to the compabality but some refused with the idea. To be the best you must compromise. For Malaysia audition. There was one group that judges need only the lead singer but they don't want to break up because according to them, the group will stay like that forever. Well, whatever.

One hiphop group got diss by judges because judges said that they can't listen/understand what the rapper said. Then the rapper said his cousins from US and can understand his English too. Rap not only can be in English. Maybe he need to listen to The Outsider [Korean faster rapper]. I like the Filipino audition because they had looks and voice also. That what lacks in Malaysia part.

So only 12 grup managed to get into Final.

Malaysia -> One Nation Emcee, Akasia, South Trio
Singapore -> Faith, Brown Tone
The Philipines -> Paragon Child, 3.5
Indonesia -> Three Voices, D'Reborn, D'Raz
Thailand -> Steps, PGZ

Latest update, PGZ from Thailand and Faith (Singapore) had been eliminated. I rooting for Paragon Child because I'm biased.

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